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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pronet.device:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v38.0
- 970111 Rewrote subtask termination code. v38.0
- 961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.2
- Support for detailed driver Init error messages.
- 961111 Fixed crashing on expunge on my A500. v37.2
- 961108 Found the bug which caused the serial driver to crash on Mat's
- and Rob's machine. Strange enough that it was in the device;
- And strange that it crashed on my machine, too, which I didn't
- notice until today: Rewrote getconfigstr. Config file now totally
- without any '%ld:' line introducers. v37.1. P37Beta2 released.
- 961026 P37Beta1 with v37.0
- 960928 Changed structure of received data, busy wait removed.
- 960919 Decided to drop support for second Data/Length field and added
- general support for timeout situations (PNDERR_DESTINATION_GONE).
- Changed some routines to fit this "new" API.
- Driver is unloaded when Init fails.
- 960918 Fixed ugly "zeropage" (0x44) hit in StartDriver (was there since V2).
- Driver SegList now freed on expunge.
- Made whole device more compatible (no DOSBase sharing, SysBase
- caching, using Semaphores to single-thread DevOpen function).
- Config and key file now located in DEVS:ProNET.
- Cleaned up source in case I will release it somewhen (NOT! ;-))
- New autodocs. v37.0
- 960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.6
- 960823 Expunge rewritten. v36.6
- 960804 Open() is single-threaded now. v36.5
- 960804 P3Beta4 with v36.4
- 960721 Drivers are called with Flags = 1. v36.4
- 960718 P3Beta3 with v36.3
- 960717 Added Expunge stuff, removed devio.s. v36.3
- 960520 Checksums removed, put them into the drivers instead. v36.2
- 960215 P3Beta2 with v36.1
- 960208 Checksums. v36.1
- 960106 PNDERR_UNIT_NOT_DEFINED introduced. v36.0
- Fixed bug(s) in error handling (when unit couldn't be opened)
- 950624 ProNET V2 released with v35.4 + source.
- 950615 PNDERR_DRIVERTROUBLE introduced. v35.4
- 950609 Getconfigstring uses MEMF_PUBLIC for Read Buffer. v35.3
- 950605 Flags Argument for Driver-Init. v35.2
- 950601 P2Beta6 with v35.1
- 950531 If the pending writes list is not empty before the MainLoop
- Wait(), we will signal ourselves to call msgREAD! This is
- because otherwise a timeout while sending would cause the
- device to hang completely, if the other machine doesn't
- send something! v35.1
- 950518 P2Beta5 with v35.0
- 950508 works. v35.0
- 950505 Started with device from beginning, with modular driver concept.
- 950430 P2Beta4 with v34.5
- 950226 Priority of transfer process can be set. &small bugfix V34.2
- Spent following days to find bug & bump version numbers.
- 950203 Disable() reduced to switching off VBI. V34.1
- 950124 startuphandshake removed. V34.0
- 941101 ProNET V1 released with v33.9
- 941028 configfile is reloaded on every OpenDevice() V33.9
- 941022 again problems with collision etc. QUICK bit cleared. V33.8
- 941020 Interferences with 'parallel.device' removed V33.7
- 941019 Removed Expunge-Routines and other nonsense-stuff V33.6
- 941007 ..I think, the transfer routines can't be improved any more..
- 941005 Optimized Transfer-Routines (bset/bclr --> and/or) V33.5
- 940725 Lengths are rounded up to word boundaries. V33.4
- 940716 -1 and -2 possible for pnr_NetSourcePort. V33.3
- 940710 Die Kollisionsabfrage funktionierte immer noch nicht ganz:
- manchmal receivte der andere Rechner statt einer Länge von 4
- einfach $29a: Ich hab' 3 Tage lang nach dem Bug gesucht, und
- ihn nicht gefunden. Zur Übersicht, was inzwischen feststeht:
- - Es tritt öfters die Zahl $29a auf, es scheint also kein Zufall
- zu sein.
- - Es tritt NICHT auf, wenn beide Rechner einen 50Hz-Displaymode laufen
- haben.
- - Es liegt NICHT an den Low-Level-Routinen
- - Der VBI ist in Ordnung (keine Register werden zerstört etc.)
- - Es tritt NICHT auf, wenn ich den SendPPacket-Aufrufe in der
- TryPendingWrites-Routinen mit Disable/Enable einschachtele
- (Der GetPPacket-Aufruf kann so bleiben !) Na ja immerhin..
- Bug temporary disabled. Now works alright, but freezes
- machine when sending. V33.2
- 940708 New Config-Handling. V33.1
- 940707 So, das wichtigste ist fertig - jetzt kommen nur noch
- ordentliche Close/Expunge/Schnickschnack-Routinen !
- Finally, first version V33.0 is ready !!
- Scheiß Devpac - nach 1 Tag Debuggen bemerke ich, daß der
- die EQUR-Direktive zwar akzeptiert, aber falsch assembliert..
- So - es klappt jetzt alles BESTENS !, allerdings funkioniert
- die 'Kollisionsabfrage' noch nicht ganz, wenn beide Amigas
- gleichzeitig senden wollen !
- 940702 Erster Test: mit Talk.s läuft das nicht, kann aber auch
- an Talk liegen !
- Debug-Messages werden jetzt ausgegeben !
- 940630 Gesamtes Device fertig, ohne es einmal zu testen !
- 940619 started
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- internal-parallel:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v37.0
- 961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.0
- ReadFlush routine.
- 961124 Checking arguments.
- 961026 P37Beta1 with v37.0
- 961001 Changed driver to new API. v37.0
- 960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.1
- 960804 P3Beta4 with v36.1
- 960718 P3Beta3 with v36.1
- 960717 Exit-Routines. v36.1
- 950624 ProNET V2 released with version from 5.6.95 + source.
- 950605 init: flags argument
- 950601 P2Beta6 with version from 31.5.95
- 950531 machine priority system :-(
- 950529 bset -> or etc..
- 950518 P2Beta5 with version from 7.5.95
- 950507 started
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- mfc-parallel:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v37.0
- 961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.0
- ReadFlush routine, Checking arguments.
- 961026 P37Beta1 with v37.0
- 960919 Changed driver to new API. v37.0
- 960917 Wrote general driver autodocs in this driver's source code.
- 960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.0
- 960804 P3Beta4 with v36.0
- 960801 Got a working version! v36.0
- 960719 started
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- serial:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v37.0
- 961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.0
- ReadFlush routine.
- 961026 Changed driver to new API. v37.0, P37Beta1 with v37.0
- 960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.2
- 960804 P3Beta4 with v36.2
- 960804 Found the DAMN bug... v36.2
- (Read and Write used the same buffer. AAAAAARGGHHHHH)
- 960718 P3Beta3 with v36.1
- 960717 Exit-Routines. v36.1
- 960215 P3Beta2 with v36.0
- 960107 Added 3WIRE switch. v36.0
- 950624 ProNET V2 released with version from 5.6.95 + source.
- 950605 init: flags argument
- 950601 P2Beta6 with version from 1.6.95
- 950518 P2Beta5 with version from 8.5.95
- 950508 started
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pronet-server:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v38.0
- 970103 Rewrote disk insertion handling.
- 970101 ACTION_IS_FILESYSTEM now properly supported. v38.0
- 961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.0
- 961026 P37Beta1 with v37.0
- 961002 Dropped support for ACTION_FORMAT & ACTION_SERIALIZE_DISK.
- Improved Client stopping routines.
- Ctrl-C when more than one Client was running could crash them, fixed.
- 961001 Ha! Finally got the idea how to support reconnection after server
- reboots and implemented it. Removed some unused routines.
- fh_Interactive transferred for FIND_XXX and FH_FROM_LOCK (see note
- below at pronet-handler). Filling fh_Type in FH-creating actions now.
- Changed to work with new pronet.device. v37.0
- 960904 Quitting via CTRL-C frees all resources. v36.5
- 960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.4
- 960822 SERVERDIE added. v36.4
- 960806 REMHANDLER added, FlushDevice added, `procname' removed. v36.3
- 960718 P3Beta3 with v36.2
- 960716 Server can be stopped. v36.2
- 960607 Error checking in NEWHANDLER (.error2). v36.1
- 960304 Pushed version. v36.0
- 950708 ProNET V2.1 released with v35.0 + source.
- 950708 Fixed CLI argument handling. v35.0
- 950624 ProNET V2 released with v34.9 + source.
- 950508 Statt des Devicenamens wird jetzt Unitnummer übernommen v34.6
- 950430 P2Beta4 with v34.5
- 950429 EXAMINE-Packets neu programmiert v34.5
- 950417 READ-Transfer umgebaut v34.4
- 950415 read und write geben statt NO_FREE_STORE jetzt OBJECT_TOO_LARGE
- zurück v34.3
- 950414 MsgRemDisk (or similar??) won't cause the 50frames-Delay.
- dann noch ACT_READ bug-gefixt??
- 950401 SegList splitting v34.2 (was removed somewhen later)
- 950124 if a port number occurs again while ADDNEWHANDLER, we assume that
- other side has reset, so we clear all our data and start from the
- beginning!! v34.1
- 941101 ProNET V1 released with v33.5
- 940716 started
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pronet-handler:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v38.0
- 970126 Rewrote some parts in C, removing the device node in StopStuff now
- instead of in pronet-stop.
- 970111 Removed possible bug with ctrl-c'ing the server.
- 970103 Rewrote disk insertion handling, misc optimizations.
- 970102 Removed some unnecessary code.
- 970101 Disk insertion didn't issue the appropriate input event, that's why
- it took so long until icons appeared on the Workbench (and all this
- only because DevPac doesn't complain about the line "rts <label>").
- When freeing the last lock of an already removed volume, a disk rem
- input event is sent. ACTION_IS_FILESYSTEM now properly supported.
- v38.0
- 961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.0
- 961026 Locks created by PARENT#? track path correctly, Shareware requester
- delay now 10 minutes. Internal optimizations. Bug fix in FH_FROM_LOCK.
- P37Beta1 with v37.1
- 961020 FREE_LOCK didn't work since last change.
- 961010 Locks now remember their path, had to rewrite dos/AddPart(),
- Server reboot invalidates all locks correctly.
- 961002 Dropped support for ACTION_FORMAT & ACTION_SERIALIZE_DISK.
- Lots of internal optimizations. Improved Client stopping routines.
- Reconnection after server reboot works, but it's still very limited.
- 961001 AARGGH! fh_Port was always initialized to DOSTRUE, which was WRONG!.
- DOSFALSE is correct for non-interactive FileSystems, in fact the
- value is now copied from the server so it will be correct for
- CON:, too. Now DiskSalv and Workbench's "New Drawer" work full speed!
- Don't touch fh_Type in FH-creating actions any more.
- Changed to work with new pronet.device. v37.1
- 960919 RC 1000004 removed, quitting after shareware requester removes
- disk. v37.0
- 960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.4
- 960823 SERVERDIE added, DISKREM replies ProNETMsg,
- SendInputEvent Errorchecking. v36.4
- 960806 REMHANDLER added, FlushDevice added,
- stopping makes ACT_DISKREM now. v36.3
- 960718 P3Beta3 with v36.1
- 960617 ACTION_DIE really works now & stops ProNET stuff. v36.1
- 960215 P3Beta2 with v36.0 from 6.1.96
- 960130 Removed unused dospacket.s code, changed to DOS routines. v36.0
- 960106 Improved init error handling.
- 951226 P3Beta1 with v36.0
- 951126 CompareStrings() routine was never used... removed.
- implemented ACTION_DIE packet.
- 951125 rewrote DevIO stuff with OS2 functions.
- removed FreeVec stub.
- split up the sources.
- several small (not functional) changes.
- doslist-Forbid()-arbitration --> (Un)LockDosList()
- 951124 changed to work with `pronet-start'.
- error message changed to ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_MOUNTED.
- 950624 ProNET V2 released with v34.2 + source.
- 950430 P2Beta4 with v34.1
- 950417 READ-Transfer umgebaut. v34.0
- 941101 ProNET V1 released with v33.5
- 940719 started
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pronet-start:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v37.0
- 961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.0
- 961026 P37Beta1 with v37.0
- 961001 FLAGS argument removed.
- 960919 RC 1000004 removed. v37.0
- 960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.3
- 960718 P3Beta3 with v36.3
- 960717 Gibt bei Fehler RC 20 zurück. v36.3
- 960524 Local name ist jetzt immer in Großbuchstaben. v36.2
- 960215 P3Beta2 with v36.1
- 960209 Extended error messages, fixed bugs. v36.1
- 951226 P3Beta1 with v36.0
- 951124 started
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pronet-stop:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v38.0
- 970126 SOFT switch removed, moved some code to the handler. Added UNIT
- keyword to support dismounting of all clients on a specific Unit.
- 970101 Now removing the device node completely. SOFT switch to suppress
- this behaviour. v38.0
- 961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v36.1
- 960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.1
- 960806 FORCE removed - this now happens in pronet-handler. v36.1
- 960718 P3Beta3 with v36.0
- 960617 working. v36.0
- 951126 started
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pronet-flush:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v36.0
- 961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v36.0
- 960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.0
- 960718 P3Beta3 with v36.0
- 960717 started. v36.0
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pronet-talk:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v37.1
- 961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.1
- 961026 P37Beta1 with v37.1
- 961001 Changed to work with new pronet.device.
- Fixed zeropage (0x00) hit, which was a left-over from some
- tests by me. v37.1
- 960918 Using a reserved port number now. v37.0
- 960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.0
- 960718 P3Beta3 with v36.0
- 960523 Always uses port 1994 now. v36.0
- 950708 ProNET V2.1 released with v34.2 + source.
- 950707 Well.. it didn't work :)) v34.2
- 950624 ProNET V2 released with v34.1 + source.
- 950603 UNIT support. v34.1
- 941101 ProNET V1 released with v33.0
- 940616 started. v33.0
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pronet-page:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v37.0
- 961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.0
- 961111 Rewritten in C, requires Kickstart 2.0 now. v37.0
- 960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.0
- 960718 P3Beta3 with v36.0
- 960607 Test auf korrekte Argumente. v36.0
- 950624 ProNET V2 released with v34.0 + source.
- 950618 unitnumber argument. v34.0
- 941101 ProNET V1 released with v33.0
- 941027 started
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pronet-run:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v37.0
- 961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.0
- 961026 P37Beta1 with v37.0
- 961001 Rewritten in C, requires Kickstart 2.0 now. v37.0
- 960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.1
- 960804 P3Beta4 with v36.1
- 960726 Usage ergänzt mit Anführungszeichen.
- Abschließendes Null-Byte wird jetzt mitgesendet. v36.1
- 960718 P3Beta3 with v36.0
- 960607 Test auf korrekte Argumente. v36.0
- 950624 ProNET V2 released with v34.1 + source.
- 950618 unitnumber argument
- 941101 ProNET V1 released with v33.0
- 941026 started